Tuesday, February 17, 2009

It's a cold cold world, and I know it

Ah Damn Skippy's extension reaches long into the Blogoshpere. So where to begin. I haven't been the happiest camper for a while, but I'm coming back to me. I could regale you with with my feats of virulous dexterity, but that's a bit much and I don't believe in giving retarded women any new links on the internet they don't deserve. And that will be a very long tale of love, lust, and greencards, but I'll save that for the memoirs.

Living in NY you are never less than arms length from wanting to go upside the head of our seemingly more (less fortunate) individuals happy in the allure of lights, camera and "Breakfast at Tiffanies" action (see 5th avenue). Midtown in that articular region has a special appeal, you can buy stuff from people who feel overtly important selling it to you even if you don't need it. Now being one of these former sadly mistaken individuals, it will eventually dawn on you that you may want more out of life than wearing all black (or no cotton), standing for longer than a train ride is useless your running free, and retail is for the lost. Mind you this gentle haringer of cosumerism drives the economy faster than Bush's exit, but it's all a lie. If you can't afford the stuff you sell, your not in the now. If you can't go on those fabulous trips that the smug happy couple are going on, why are you there. And if your only fallback is an apartment, a bottle of wine, and useless friends that have no clue about life outside E television - good luck.

Even though there are great moments like meeting cool people, and interestng humans that span the breadth of this civilzation; it's still someone elses goods, location, and your ass is on the clock. Can you eek out a living and support your family abroad sure, but the person needing some sunblock cause they've never seen tropical sun probably isn't thinking like that - as they ask too many questions about crap you don't care about or see an issue with in said product. I would love to both commend, and publicly flog the genius that came with Busy-ness. Cause his ass is paid and his children only work to fulfil family wishes of world domination, but we get the bill and the right to keep buying. So this is salute to those pretty makeup counter girls who think that life in the gildedcage is better than freedom.

Skipping to my own drummer in the rain,
Kayaone - Damn SKippy 09

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

A Test for the Broadcast System 09

This is just a test of your emergency broadcast system. Had this been real, you probably would not have had a chance to even look at the internet.

Skip On citizens, the glitch is gone.
